On this page, you will find a lot of the illustrations from the book and of course the very first drawings of .
We would love to see your drawings of Nonny or if you have any photos or drawings of Octopuses.
Do get in touch so we can feature them here on the gallery.
This is the original drawing by Sasha of
Another early drawing of by Sasha.
Sasha's picture of Nonny using Hama Beads
Pictures you have sent into us:
A fantastic picture by Piyo sent to us on 11 February 2020
Well done Piyo! We love your picture of an artist :)
During Dyslexia Awareness week was read out to the pupils of Rose Hill School.
Their teacher asked that we add this comment:
"In the same way that Nonny became the first Doctorpus, we became more aware of many
people with Dyslexia who have used their unique learning style to become very successful."
And below you can see some of their fabulous pictures.
We also held a competition at Chevening School and here are some of your amazing entries.